Justice for Kelly, LA

CNN iReport

CNN PRODUCER NOTE     Korey Rowe photographed protesters in Los Angeles, California, on February 8, calling for justice for Kelly Thomas. Thomas was a homeless man diagnosed with schizophrenia who lived on the streets of Fullerton. In 2011, he had an altercation with police and was taken to the hospital in a comatose state. He later died from his injuries. Two former police officers were recently acquitted in the beating death. (Read more here.) Rowe said protesters were demanding accountability and justice for Thomas. 'Kelly's death caused an outcry, but when the cops were let off, people got really pissed, and took to the streets,' Rowe said. 'Accountability was the main theme -- hold the police accountable, train them better, and fix the injustice of the justice system.' 
Jareen, CNN iReport producer

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